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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Greece

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* In 421 (when a decree enacted by Emperor [[Theodosius II]] placed all churches within the pale of the ''[[w:Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum|Illyricum prefecture]]'' (then part of the Eastern Empire) subject to the Archbishop of Constantinople).
* In 438, through the [[w:Codex Theodosianus|Theodosian Codex]], ''Illyricum'' was again placed under Constantinopolitan jurisdiction.
* To some extent during the [[Acacian Schism|Acacian schism]], 484-519.
'''Praetorian Prefecture of Illyricum'''<br>
The ''[[w:Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum|Prefecture of Illyricum]]'' was named after the former province of Illyricum and was one of the four principal divisions of the Empire instituted by [[Diocletian]]. It originally included two dioceses, the ''[[w:Diocese of Pannonia|Diocese of Pannoniae]]'' and the ''Diocese of Moesiae''. The Diocese of Pannoniae did not belong to the cultural Greek half of the empire, and it was transferred to the western empire when Theodosius I fixed the final split of the two empires in 395.
*538 Emperor [[Justinian the Great]], via deportations and force, manages to get [[Pentarchy|all five patriarchates]] officially into communion.
*540 Bulgar raids into Illyricum and northern Greece.
*543 Doctrine of [[apokatastasis]] condemned by Synod of Constantinople; [[Justinian the Great]] sends [[missionaries ]] to Nubia (the three kingdoms of Nobatia/Novatia, Alodia/Alwa, and Makuria).
*544 According to tradition. the [[Image Not-made-by-hands|Mandylion]] of Edessa destroys Persian siege works.
[[Image:Justinian Byzanz.JPG|right|thumb|220px|The Byzantine Empire during its greatest territorial extent under Justinian. ca.550.]]
*565-66 Completion of the mosaic of the [[Transfiguration]] in [[apse]] of the Church of the Mother of God on Mt. Sinai.
*565-78 The [[Cherubic Hymn]] was added to the [[Divine Liturgy]] by Emperor [[Justin II]].
*566 Bp. Longinus sent from Constantinople to Nubia as [[missionary]].
*568 Exarchate of [[Ravenna]] established, to 752, a Greek imperial outpost and place of contact with the Latin west.
*575 The ''Chronographia (Χρονογραφία)'' of [[w:John Malalas|John Malalas]] in 18 books, chronicles the years from creation to 563 AD.
*ca. 860 [[w:Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate|Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate]].
*861 [[Cyril and Methodius]] of Thessaloniki depart from Constantinople to [[Church of Russia#Conversion of the Slavs|missionize the Slavs]]; Council of Constantinople attended by 318 fathers and presided over by papal legates confirms [[Photius the Great]] as patriarch and passes 17 canons.
*864 Baptism of Prince [[Boris I of Bulgaria]]; [[Synaxis]] of the [[Theotokos]] in Miasena in memory of the return of her icon.
[[Image:ByzantineEmpire 867AD.JPG|right|thumb|220px|Byzantine Empire, ca. 867 AD.]]
*867 Council in Constantinople held, presided over by [[Photius the Great|Photius]], which anathematizes Pope [[Nicholas I of Rome]] for his attacks on work of Greek [[missionaries ]] in Bulgaria and use by papal missionaries of [[Filioque]]; Pope Nicholas dies before hearing news of excommunication; [[Basil the Macedonian]] has Emperor [[Michael III the Amorian|Michael III]] murdered and usurps Imperial throne, reinstating Ignatius as patriarch of Constantinople.
*867 Death of [[Kassiani the Hymnographer|Kassiani]], Greek-Byzantine poet and hymnographer, who composed the ''[[Hymn of Kassiani]]'', chanted during [[Holy Week]] on Holy Wednesday.
*869-870 [[Robber Council of 869-870]] held, deposing [[Photius the Great]] from the Constantinopolitan see and putting the rival claimant Ignatius on the throne, declaring itself to be the "Eighth Ecumenical Council."
*1931 [[w:Benaki Museum|Benaki Museum]] opens in Athens, housing Byzantine, Post-Byzantine, and Neo-Hellenic ecclesiastical and national art collections.
*1932 Death of Papa-[[Nicholas (Planas)]].
*1933 [[Church of Greece]] bans [[Freemasonry]], declaring that when one becomes a Mason (a member of Freemasonry) it is an act of [[apostasy]] from the Church and therefore, until that person [[Repentance|repents]], they can not attend the [[Eucharist|Holy Eucharistic]]. <ref name=OCIC>''[ Freemasonry: Official Statement of the Church of Greece (1933)].'' Orthodox Christian Information Center. Retrieved: 2012-11-24.</ref><ref name=ZORZOS>Gregory Zorzos - Γρηγόρης Ζώρζος. ''[ Secret Societies at revolution era 1821 in Greece - Μυστικές Εταιρείες 1821].'' Gregory Zorzos, 2009. p.77. ISBN 9781448625499</ref><ref group="note">"Orthodox Christians must disavow the Masonic movement and resign from it if they have joined it in ignorance of its goals. Pike, in his ''[[w:Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry|Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry]]'' tells us that "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion." (p. 213) "Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahim, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the Baalism." (p. 226) "Masonry, like all religions, all the Mysteries, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages or Elect and uses false explanations and interpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled." (p. 105 )".</ref><ref group="note">{{el icon}} "Η Σύνοδος τής Ιεραρχίας ασχολήθηκε με το θέμα αυτό κατά την συνεδρία τής ''' ''7ης Οκτωβρίου 1933'' ''' και εξέδωσε ειδική «Πράξη» ('''Εκκλησία 48/1933, σ. 37-39'''). Το κείμενο αυτό κάνει λόγο περί «διεθνούς μυητικού οργανισμού» και «μυσταγωγικού συστήματος, όπερ υπομιμνήσκει τάς παλαιάς εθνικάς μυστηριακάς θρησκείας ή λατρείας, από των οποίων κατάγεται και των οποίων συνέχειαν και αναβίωσιν αποτελεί». Το κείμενο αναφέρεται σε μαρτυρίες μασονικών κειμένων και κατοχυρώνει τη θέση της «εκ των εν ταίς μυήσεσιν δρωμένων και τελουμένων».</ref>
*1935 [[Old Calendarists|Old Calendar]] schism, when three bishops declared their separation from the official [[Church of Greece]] stating that the calendar change was a schismatic act; Greek Old Calendarist groups maintain that they have not separated over a mere calendar, rather that the calendar is a symptom of what has been called ''"the pan-heresy of ecumenism;"'' Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, transformed [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] into a museum.
*1959 Death of Blessed Elder [[Joseph (Spilaiotis)]] the [[Hesychast]].
[[Image:Elder Ieronymos Patmos.jpg|right|thumb|210px|Elder [[Ieronymos of Aegina|Ieronymos (Apostolides) of Aegina]].]]
*1960 Death of [[Anthimos Anthimus of Chios]].
*1961 Glorification of [[Nektarios of Pentapolis]] (+1920).
*1962-68 The 12-Volume ''"Religious and Ethical Encyclopedia"'' (''[ Θρησκευτική και Ηθική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια]'',''ΘΗΕ'') is compiled as a joint effort between academics, university scholars and other contributors.
*1968 [[Orthodox Academy of Crete]] (OAC) founded by the Archdiocese of Crete, near the [[w:Moni Gonia Monastery|Moni Gonia Monastery]].
*1970 Death of [[Amphilochios (Makris)]] of Patmos.
*1971 [[Theological School of Halki|Halki Seminary]], Orthodoxy's most prominent theological school, is closed by Turkish authorities breaching Article 40 of the Lausanne Treaty and Article 24 of the Turkish Constitution which both guarantee religious freedom and education; the island of [[Metropolis of Syros, Tinos, Andros, Kea, and Milos|Tinos]] is proclaimed sacred by an act of parliament in 1971.<ref>Helena Smith. ''VISIONS OF THE VIRGIN FILL GREEK SKIES.'' The Guardian (London). August 17, 1992. p.7.</ref><ref name=EVYCOMP>Evy Johanne Haland. ''From the Ritual Year of the Miraculous Icon on the Greek Island of Tinos to the Wider Mediterranean.'' '''Comparative Civilizations Review'''. No. 63, Fall 2010. p.19.</ref><ref group="note">The discovery of the [[icon]] just as the [[w:Greek War of Independence|War of Independence]] against the Turks got under way was regarded as an omen and proof that [[God]] had willed the liberation of Greece.</ref> the [[Church of Greece]] designated Pelagia of Tinos (†1834) a saint on September 11. <ref name=EVYCOMP/>*1972 [[w:Ecclesiastical coup|Ecclesiastical coup in Cyprus]] fails to remove Makarios from the Presidency; death of [[missionary ]] [[Archimandrite]] [[Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos]], having laboured to spread the Orthodox faith in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Congo; on November 28, the [[Church of Greece]] reaffirmed its 1933 ban on [[w:Freemasonry|Freemasonry]], declaring and proclaiming that Freemasonry is a proven [[w:mystery religion|mystery religion]].<ref name=ZORZOS/><ref group="note">The 1933 decision of the Bishops of the [[Church of Greece]] was renewed with a new act, issued on the 28th of November 1972. Hence, the Hierarchy: "adheres strictly to the provisions in the act relating to Freemasonry. It is declared and proclaimed that Freemasonry is a proven [[w:mystery religion|mystery religion]], a projection of the old [[w:pagan religion|pagan religions]], most foreign and contrary to the revealed salvific truth of our Holy Church. It is declared categorically that the status of a person who is a Mason in whatever form, is incompatible with the status of a Christian member of the [[Body of Christ]]. "</ref>
*1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Turkish forces advance capturing the 37% of the island, 3,000 are killed or missing, 200,000 become refugees; the Monarchy is voted out by a plebiscite vote of 69%.
*2001 Death of Elder [[Haralambos Dionysiatis]], teacher of [[Jesus Prayer|noetic prayer]]; on the first trip to Greece by a Pope since AD 710, Pope John Paul II of Rome [[Fourth Crusade#Papal Apology to Orthodox Church|apologizes to Orthodox Church]] for [[Fourth Crusade]]; a day earlier some 1,000 Orthodox conservatives took to the streets to denounce his visit; in March, Abp. [[Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens]] blessed the ''Hellenic Genocide Petition Effort'', which urged that the government not violate Law 2675/98 by deleting the term "genocide" when explaining the destruction of Hellenism in Asia Minor; Abp. [[Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens]] visits the [[Church of Russia|Patriarchate of Moscow]], being also received by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
[[File:Vladimir Putin 8 May 2001-3.jpg|left|thumb|Russian President Vladimir Putin, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia [[Alexei II (Ridiger) of Moscow|Alexei II]], and head of the Greek Orthodox Church Archbishop [[Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens|Christodoulos]] of Athens and all Greece, at the Kremlin in Moscow.]]
*2002 The Holy Synod of the [[Church of Greece]] rejected a proposal to introduce Modern Greek into the [[Divine Liturgy]] (similar to what the Second Vatican Council did for the Roman Catholic Church by allowing the use of the vernacular for the Mass), opting to keep [[Koine Greek]] as it was spoken 2,000 years ago and used in [[New Testament]] texts;<ref>''"Greek Orthodox ban modern Greek in liturgy. (News in Brief: Greece)."'' '''Catholic Insight'''. Nov. 2002: 27+.</ref> [[Metropolis of Glyfada]] is established as a new [[metropolis]] separating from [[Metropolis of Nea SmyrniNew Smyrna]]; Abp. [[Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens]] consented to the construction of a mosque in Athens to end the situation of the Greek capital being the only EU capital without a Muslim place of worship; Ecumenical [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople|Patriarch Bartholomew I]] of Constantinople declared the monks of [[Esphigmenou Monastery (Athos)]] as being in [[schism]] with the [[Orthodox Church]].
*2003 Orthodox Churches in Europe commemorated the 550th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople in May; the Greek Minister of Culture Evangelos Venizelos informs Europarliament session that the status of the monasteries on Holy [[Mount Athos]] and its way of life will remain unchanged, citing official recognition of this status fixed in Article 105 of the Greek Constitution and also legally confirmed in the special Athens Treaty clause specifying conditions on which Greece joined the European Union; in February, the Holy Synod of the [[Church of Greece|Greek Orthodox Church]] issued a statement opposing the threat of war in Iraq.
*2003 Abp. [[Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens]] has falling out with Ecumenical [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople|Patriarch Bartholomew]] over who should have the final say in the appointment of bishops in northern Greece, but rift is mended four months later; the proposal to build a mosque outside Athens before the 2004 Olympics was blocked due to opposition from residents and [[Church of Greece|Greece's Orthodox Church]] which disagreed with the location and plans for the funding for the multimillion-pound mosque to come from Saudi Arabia's King Fahd; Abp. Christodoulos (Paraskevaides) of Athens inaugurated the Office of the [ Representation of the Church of Greece to the European Union] in Brussels.